Making Moves

Making Moves with Linda Watson, Astrologer / Soul Guide

The Rachel Kendall Team Season 1 Episode 18

Jessie Hrivnak explores more into the metaphysical world with Linda Watson, Astrologer / Soul Guide. Come on a journey with them and you are sure to learn something new!

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Hey Triangle lovers. Welcome to Making Moves hosted by The Rachel Kendall Team, where we will explore together the top restaurants, community hotspots and events in our area. Let's make some moves. Hello, and welcome everyone. This is Jessie Hrivnak, Listing Partner with The Rachel Kendall Team back with you today at Making Moves podcast. And this is our second part series on all things metaphysical, if you will. And our guest today is Linda Watson, who is a local astrologer. Thank you for being here. Linda, we're so excited to have you. Thank you for having me. I'm excited. Yeah, this is gonna be a good one. So Linda, and I met through our previous guests, Emily, who did a chat with us about tarot cards. And she connected me with Linda, because I was so curious about getting my chart, read that I wanted to invite you here to really just give some good information to our listeners about what the heck astrology really is. And before I move on to, you know, my first question it, I remember when I started getting curious about astrology and started looking into it, I was like, Wait a second, it doesn't have to do just with the month that I was born, you mean, I'm not just a Gemini. And it really blew my mind and continues to blow my mind, the more I look into it, of how deep it goes. So share a little bit about what an astrology chart is, what do you what are we looking at when we're looking at somebody's charts? Okay, so it's Yeah, it is really interesting, because most people really don't understand what it is. And so the astrology chart is basically a snapshot of the sky. At the moment you're born, the moment you take your first breath, it's like, click, you take a snapshot of the sky. And it's sort of a roadmap of your soul's embodiment in this lifetime. In fact, you know, I, I do what's known as evolutionary astrology. So there's a belief in reincarnation with that. And so, that belief is, is that of course, we all have many lives. And before we come and incarnate into this body in this lifetime, we actually set up our own chart for the things that we want to work on in this lifetime. And so it's a guide, it's actually I feel like God's gift to us before we embody so that we have a guide to follow up. We're not down here. floundering it's our guide to how to like move through life. So when you say and I know this is hard when there's a lack of visual right, but try and describe when you say, snapshot of the sky, what are the pieces of a chart that are in this guy? Okay, so the chart is planets signs, houses, aspects all that probably means nothing to people. People know what planets are. Each planet has a different function. This signs are representative of law. Everybody knows Taurus, Gemini, Sagittarius, you know what your sun sign is, right? So it contains that. And the houses are, if you're looking at a chart, you can't see the chart, but it's a circle. And they're like a pie shaped segment. It looks like a trivial pursuit piece, but with 12 pieces instead of six very guy six, I always lost a trivial pursuit. So I never filled them up. So I don't know how many there are. So no, but that's absolutely right. There are pie shaped segments in the chart. Those are areas of life or like where the all the drama happens in your life. Okay? So they're broken up into like, basically categories right now, like you will like, Okay, so let's just, for example, the first house would be is representative of you who you are, it's a very personal house, the second house is representative of how you make your money in this world, unlike what you feel is your value and where you find yourself worth. The third house is representative of all types of communication, how you listen, how you perceive how you learn, but it is also representative of your siblings and your early childhood and how you move through your early childhood. So it's just an example. Yeah, a few may go through Yeah, no, that's it's good. And we can certainly provide an example for our listeners and the planets represent particular psychological drives and urges and based off their energy is right on their energy. So for example, Mars in the chart is all about assertiveness and action initiation. So where you find that in your chart, is where you find where you You will be stimulated to go out and do certain things. Okay, so simply put, yeah, and and before we move on to aspects, because I want to talk about those as well. So when you're looking at the snapshot, you are essentially looking at, where's the sun? Where's the moon? Where's the horizon? And where are the planets? In your chart at the time that you take your first breath? Yeah. Are you asking me how you would look at the chart? Or how? How? How one studying astrology would look at a chart right? Like and what it means. Yeah. So I mean, it's not simplistic at all. No. And I don't mean to oversimplify. But for those that Yeah. So when, okay, for example, if I when I first get somebody's chart, and I look at it, it's an into is when you're an astrologer, most astrologers that I know are very intuitive and have another sense of something as well. And so when I look at a chart, I see things right away, certain things jump out at me, I get an intuitive sense. And so I'm looking at where everything is placed in this chart, certain things will jump out patterns will jump out at me, you know, certain things like that. So what I'm really doing then, and then I dive deep, and I analyze I look at where the planets are, what houses are they in? What signs are they in? Are they connecting with anything else in the chart? What's the element in this chart? Elements are fire earth, air, and water? Because we're all made up of, of those four elements, right? So I look at what's the strongest and weakest element making up this person's personality? We're complicated, y'all there. It's a lot. And and this is why I wanted to start with that this question. Because, again, you know, and it's funny, because you pointed this out in my chart, right? I am a intake er, of information. But I also love to share information. So once I started taking this all in, I'm trying to explain it to everybody, and I'm seeing people's eyes go cross head spin, and I'm like, okay, I get I get it, I get it. Right. It's, it is, I would imagine it's a lifelong study almost to really continue to understand the charts impacts. Yeah, I mean, I've made it my life's path. So like, that's all I did was study. And, you know, practice the art of it. And, you know, work with other astrologers. And, you know, just it's that it's like going to university. Yeah, that that's how you approach it, if you're really interested in it. And then it's also great if you're just interested in it, and you want to learn about it, and you read different books, there are so many books out there to read and like workbooks, where you can, like, do your own charts are so many fun thing. Yeah. And what I thought was really cool about it is to me, it kind of gave me this idea of, okay, here's who I am based off of my chart, and you know, just your core, and who, here's who I've become based off of experiences and whatnot, and how do you peel those apart to say, Okay, what is ni? And what is a, a habit or a behavior that was created through experience, if that makes sense? No, it does. Because, you know, this is all this isn't? You have an absolutely right. So this is all on freewill. There's a certain energy in this chart. And there's positives, in everything, and there shadows of everything. And it's how you use the energies that are in there. And at any time you have freewill to change all that stuff. And I always talk about growing into your chart to work with it, you know, and to work with it, but you grow into it as well. Like, according to your chart, you know, this is a basic energy but you who you are at 12 is not who you become when you're 21 Sure, nor who you become when you're 35. And there are certain planetary things that happen at different times in your life that speed up that process get routed into those. Yeah, so you know, so again, I want to I want to keep it high level for the first couple minutes. And then then we're going to get into some specifics. So the information that you gather from somebody, when they want a chart reading is what I need. Date of birth, time of birth, exact time for exact and place of birth. I don't mean like, you know, an address, but you know, city and state, yeah, and country. So I want to get to the time because we were talking about this beforehand. And you know, I've asked a couple or a couple people have been like, pull my chart for me, right? And I'm like, Okay, I need this information. And they say, Oh, I was born around four ish. And I'm like, no, no, no, I need to know the exact time and my personal experience with this is I called my mother and I said, Mother, what time was I born? And she did the same thing. I you know, it was, it was around sunrise. You know, it was early in the morning between seven and 730. And so I put in, I think 705 At first, and I was a cancer rising. And then I put in 717, which is what the actual time was. And then I was a Gemini rising. And all of a sudden that you know, that 15 minutes span impacted my chart. So call your mother's or your father's, or the hospital, where you were born or wherever you can get the information. The actual way to get the information is first of all, don't ask your mom as your birth, whatever it is, not make her feel bad for forgetting, okay. I know somebody who's, you know, she lives in like New England and her mom had like 10 Kids and never had a doctor because they lived right underneath. And so she, you know, the mom never really knew from 10 Kids have how to livery and how to let you remember, I was you know, so my, you know, the the only real way to get it unless you have a birth card from the hospital that your mom saved, which is how I got mine. Yeah. Or it's never automatically on a birth certificate. So what you do is you sent a vital records from your home state and county, and, and specifically, order a birth certificate with time of birth listed on the birth certificate, you absolutely have to ask for it. Yeah. And then within two weeks, you get your birth certificate and time of birth on it. That's the only end you call Linda and the fun begins. I was at the beach this weekend with some girlfriends and I saw, yeah. One of the little girls. Her name's Finley, she's 10 years old, and she's really interested in astrology. So I was trying to give her like a little mini lesson that she would understand. But I love to her mom. And it's like, what time was she born? She looks at me. She's like, are you really doing this to me right now? I've got four kids. And you know, like, So you're absolutely right. Call the hospital. And really the significance of that time because people do say, isn't that important? Yes, it's important, because that's the only time you could find out what your rising sign is. The only way that you get a specific rising sign within the rising sign is one of the most important things in your chart. That's how you present yourself to the world. Yeah, you know, so yeah, it's super important. Yeah. So the, let's say, I don't want to say the biggest placements, right. But the three signs, if you will, are where the moon was, excuse me, where the sun is, where the moon is, and where the horizon is, at the time that you were born, the three major personally i to find your personality, and it's not even everything, but it's called the primal triad, Sun Moon rising sign, you can get a pretty good idea of who somebody somebody is, just by looking at those three things. And then, of course, then you go deeper. But if you're, you know, if I were just going to do you know, and I don't do these anymore, but if I was just going to do like a little thing for a group of people, I would just do that. That's what I've done. I've done Sun Moon rising, and it's pretty dead on but so many other things. Go into that, but it's called the primal triad. It's your three main things. Okay. And that so most of us know, the sun sign, right? And I kind of attribute that to the commercialization of Yeah, astrology, because it's like, you're casting a wide net. Yeah. And we we'd sort of discussed that what, you know, the commercialization of the sun sign, like, why was that? And it's really because it's the easiest sign to determine all you need is your birthday. Yeah. So with your birthday, you know what sign you are. And then personally, I think Linda Goodman was really the one responsible for accelerating this growth of new age movement in the 60s and 70s, through the success of her first book, Linda Goodman son signs, okay, it's probably before your time, but it is still in print today. It was hugely popular. And it was, you know, that's where all the jokes started. Like, you'd be out at a bar and you'd meet somebody and then be like, what's your sign? I walked up to a co worker yesterday, and I was like, when's your birthday? And she told me, I was like, I knew you were a Gemini. Are my kind of people I get you. Yeah. So I really believe that was the start of the whole thing with the sun signs. And then in the early 2010s, you had this mainstream thing of media articles about oh, which book you should read based on your sun sign and all that kind of stuff. So it's been like a progression. Yeah. So what do you had mentioned that the rising sign really represents who you put out to the world? So yeah, so just to go in order. Yeah, let's start with the sun. So your sun sign is who you are at your core being it is who you truly are. It's who you strive to be and it's where you want to shine your light. The Ascendant or the rising sign is that first part of your personality that you allow people to meet that's like you're putting your best foot forward you're going out there and you know people meet that part of you first. And most of the time they think that's who you really are right unless in your case it is it's the same and that so what Linda means is my my son and my your double, double Gemini watch. So it's like what you see is what you get Yeah, here's your rising sign is Gemini your sun sign is Gemini said the people who meet you for the first time are really meeting Jessie right? Who you are at your core being Yeah, it's sort of the receptionist to who you are, you know, people who first meet me I'm a Gemini rising. So I come across as very social very talkative, like all that kind of stuff. But really, who I truly am is a much more grounded loyal love, you know? stable person. Not the Geminis are we're not You're not. We got a lot of air going on. Yeah. And as people get to know you, that's when they get to know your sun sign. And very few people will ever get to meet your moon sign only those who are your nearest and dearest and very closest friends. Talk to me about the moon, I gotta tell you, like me and the moon have a special thing going on. Like I am just drawn to Moon's energy, I just think it is. So I don't I can't explain it other than it just feels special to me. So I want to talk about what okay represents. So the moon, the moon is all about emotions, nurturing early childhood. It's where you find your safety, insecurity, what makes you feel safe and at home, it's all about karma, ancestral line, all that kind of stuff. You know, the moon is your instinctive and intuitive self. So you know, it represents your most private self, it's your soul. Yeah. And that's why I say only those closest to you are ever really going to meet your moon. I mean, the word vulnerability just comes up. Right? Like, when you're, when you're showing that you are in a vulnerable state, I would imagine for them, you have to really trust somebody to allow them to see that part of yourself. Okay. Yeah. And, you know, and then you mentioned, you know, with the moon cycles, I have a whole thing on moon cycles. And I usually I think I talked to you, of course, about yours. Let's first just because I want to make sure that everybody understands what a moon cycle is. Right? So let's talk about what when you say moon cycle, what do you mean? Okay. lunation, or moon phases, lunation phases, however you want to say. So lunation phases are a display of the changing relationship between the sun and the moon. It's all about Sun Moon. So each phase of the moon, we all know the new moon, we all know the full moon. But in between this new moon and the full moon, there's six more phases that people don't really think about. Yeah. And they each describe a kind of energy generated at each stage of that Sun Moon. Interaction. Yeah. So it starts with the new moon than the waxing crescent. Then you have the first quarter, then you have the gibbous. Then you hit the full moon, which is the, you know, big kahuna, where everything culminates. And then it goes just disseminating last quarter, and then the Samick. And then you're back to the new moon again, right? So there's something different, and there's different energy that happens during each of those moon phases. And, you know, the moon is so quick moving it, you know, it moves these phases, like in two and a half to three and a half day, right? So we've all become very accustomed to that energy that we don't even notice it most of the time. Yeah. And what we all hear about is, oh, there's a new moon. So let's do our New Moon Meditation and all this kind of stuff. Same with a full moon, but you know, it's good to pay attention to everything in between to. So I tell people, when when they're like, oh, you know, what impact does it have on me? I'm like, it controls all bodies of water on this plate. I mean, so much more, but I'm like, It's controlling the ocean, you don't think it has any impact on your 60% body of water? And, you know, it's well, I mean, you know, people have followed the moon phase since, since there were people on Earth right, you know, yeah, that's how they figured out how to do things. Yeah, you know, and why things happen. Why do you feel a certain way? Like, you know, women's menstrual cycles are like, you know, based on moon cycle, yeah. So moon cycle journaling is something that I think is really great to track. You know, your feelings what your what your personality feels like. during that time and just, you know, are you high? Are you low? Are you new, like what's going on, and being able to find trends in those in those cycles, right. And there's also certain there are good times to do certain things and not so good times to do certain things during those cycles as well. In fact, if you go on my website, I've created a beautiful lunation guide that's free, if you want to download it. And it's, it'll give you the different cycles, what's good to do what's not so good to do? Like there are certain times during the lunation cycle, I would advise people I went and signed contracts today. Yeah, you know, so you know, just different things like that. But it's a guide that can tell you exactly which phase represents what. And then, you know, things that are good to do during those times. And everybody is born, of course, during a specific moon phase. And we talked about that in your chart as well. And, you know, you were born under a gibbous phase. And I think that resonated pretty much with you when we discussed that. Yeah, yeah. What does that mean? So, just to give an example, you can share what you can, you can share. Okay, so, good luck, good, Linda. The gibbous phase is right before the moon turns full. And so you know, what this means is that you've come here to perfect yourself during this lifetime. I have this written down because I wanted to get it right. Yeah, so you were born here to perfect yourself so that you're able to contribute something of value, you want to contribute to society in some way. You know, and you have this tendency where you want to continually adjust and refine things, to make it just right. So there's a subconscious awareness of the importance to you of planning and organizing, and just getting things ready. It's a feeling of like, gotta get things ready. And this is, this is what I love so much about this stuff is like, yeah, not only does it resonate with me, but it also allows me to really accept that part of myself and not fight it. Mm hmm. But work with it. Right? And that's, you know, going full circle to the entire chart. That's kind of how I've always seen it is, again, how can I, how can I work with what, what my chart is saying what the current sky is saying, and that's the job and we've, you know, that's the, for me, the real purpose of doing sessions and counseling for people, you know, and however anybody wants to do astrology is wonderful. The more people who can get out there and be a light worker in this way is wonderful. But for me personally, the reason I do it is I'm not only an evolutionary astrologer, but a spiritual astrologer. And it's funny because the universe brings me have has been bringing me people who are looking for those things. Yeah. And so by going into the chart, and showing them different characteristics, and, you know, sometimes we talk about difficult things, or difficult things that need to be discussed in order to move through them and grow and, and become who you were meant to be. And here's the reality. Like you said earlier, everybody has things in their chart that are easy, breezy, and everybody has things in their chart where you're like, why better? Why is that there? Why is it doing this to me? Why did it have to be there? Right? And and once you start to understand how you can actually set of working against it working out that it becomes that shadow then comes into the light? Well, yeah, it's it's very enlightening, especially when we talk about things like you were very interested in Chiron Yes, and, and then and the nodes of the moon, because that all speaks to past life issues, what you've brought from the past or from your even early childhood, into the current and what you need to do, to work through those things that are holding you back. And that you can really become free and live your best life. It's bringing the almost, you know, showing you where you need to bring your subconscious into the conscious, because that's why we're here. I mean, you know, that's why we're living here at this time is to work through those old patterns. We want to be better we want to experience a better way and make right what we didn't get right in the past. Yeah, yeah, that makes sense. It does. It does it for me. It does. I told y'all, it's a lot to take in but it's just so we're going to try and cover as much as we can to get you you curious. So let's move on to planets. Okay. And I want to talk about Planet placements when they are placed where they're doing well when they're placed where they're not so doing what or where they're challenged, and then planetary aspects and what that means. So, again, when we look at the chart at the time that we were born, we're looking at not only where the Sun Moon and ascendant are, but where the planets are residing, right? And I have your chart sitting in front of me, so I'll probably just go for it use yours as an example. So, okay, so pick a planet, let's pick a place pick up with okay. To me, I think one of the most interesting planets is Uranus. And the reason why really well my moon is in Aquarius, and Uranus is like the roar of Aquarius. So anyway, but Uranus is the planet that brings sudden change into your life. It's the planet of rebellion. You know, it's the planet that does not like the status quo, he likes to shake things up. And just when you're just getting comfortable, he moves in, you know, and you know, where you are honest, is placed in your chart will show where these kinds of things might take place in your life. And let's go back so it does well in Aquarius. Is that what you said? Okay, he's Yeah, he's the ruler of Aquarius. And what is the what's the relationship? Like? Why what what is what is Aquarius represent? That makes your honest. Exalted there? Okay, so Aquarians are the they're the inventors. And they're the ones who are like, brilliant. And although they have emotions, their emotions are more geared towards to madonie humanity. They want to do what's right. And for the world for social causes, and all that kind of thing. You know, I like to think of like, you're honest, and Aquarius is those people who are like Bill Gates and those kinds, they have this brilliant. These brilliant minds. Visions almost. Yeah. Visionary ation. Yeah. Yeah. So they're not afraid to take risks and chances. Okay. Yeah. So. And anyway, so then, you know, you'd like, I like to look and say, Well, where is that in your chart? And actually, in your chart, it's in your six house. And so the six house is representative of not your career, but your job, your daily duties, your co workers, health, fitness, pets, you know? So, in looking at that, just simplistically, I'm saying, so she wants to change things up in her life she wants she needs to have change in her daily routine. She doesn't like the status, I don't like daily routine, doesn't like the status quo. She likes things to change around and be different. But I also see it too, like you would have probably an affinity for health, wellness, taking care of your body being physically, you know, energetic, yeah, and all that kind of stuff, too. But every planet has a thing. Pluto is the planet of personal transformation. And, and Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio in the eighth house. And so this is the planet that forces you to go really deep, like, you know, thinking about hades in the underground, like going deep beneath to the depths of the ocean. And that's where you go to uncover those things about yourself that are the hardest things to face, and then having the courage to bring them up to the light and change them. I love Pluto. So that Yeah, yours is in, in the fifth house. So yeah. And then the aspects so not only is it about their placement, it's about their relationships with other planets and well, aspects are actually the connections that planets make to each other. Correct. Right. Okay, so there I just said correct to the astrologer. She explained astrology to me. They're their angular relationships. So it's actually how the planets like speak to each other. Okay. Okay. So they tell the story of you together to complete the whole so some are more challenging than others. And I only use five major aspects. There are a lot more than that. But there are five major that I use because those are the most important and most astrologers use five or six, sometimes seven. Okay, so the five that I use are the conjunctions, the squares the opposition's the trines and sextiles. Some are more harmonious than others, some are more challenging, right? So for instance, in your chart in your fourth house, I talked to you about this already, you have Jupiter and Mars in a conjunction aspect in your fourth house. So conjunction means that they are in the same sign at the same time is that wow, it has to do with orbs. Okay. Okay. So aspects, you have to look at the orbital numbers to how close are they? So then you know, what makes certain aspects legit. This is so much. Okay. Okay, stop interrupting us. So a conjunction is when I'm going to make it really simple for everybody. The orbs are super close, they're next to each other. And I would take a conjunction anywhere from, when they're zero degrees of right on top of each other from zero degrees, I give them like an eight degree or but once I get to eight degrees, it's so far out there, but still, anywhere between zero and eight is a conjunction. And so they're blending their energies together is where the conjunction is it's almost, they're blending their their energies together, almost making a new planet because they're working together hand in hand. In your case, Jupiter and Mars are blending their energies. So simply put, Mars is representing our ambition or energy, our action our desires. Jupiter tends to expand everything, you know, Jupiter's, like Santa Claus, or makes everything better. Yeah, and better. So in this case, your march Mars energy is becoming much stronger than usual because of Jupiter, right? And it allows you to have much more energy, much more drive much more ambition. X, actually, mate would make for a very good leadership, you would be a really good leader. And at whatever you're doing, so just an example of an aspect. Yeah. And then there are others that are more challenging. Anytime you have a square aspect between two planets, that's a more challenging aspect. You got to work hard at something. Yeah, so okay. So when we're looking at the current sky, okay, what it is right now, today, what's going on? In astrology? How do we correlate that to our chart? What does that mean to like, do we look at what the sky is doing right now, and it's going to impact me differently than it's going to impact you. So, yeah, planets are always moving, call it transiting. And actually, when I do a chart, I look at the transits in real time. So where are those planets in your chart right now? Right. So it affects everybody but in a different way. Okay. I don't know if that is yeah, no. Definitely answers. Yeah. In they effects everybody on a global level. So if you if you look at the like, a lot, the last election. I mean, that was huge. What the hell was going on in that sky that day? Oh, my gosh, oh, my God. I mean, it was so interesting. I, you know, really one of my, you know, Groovers that I love. I take continuing education with Kelly Surtees a lot. She's amazing. But she had a whole thing at election time. And she predicted from the chart that what happened to chaos? Yeah, yeah, she she actually, you know, cuz she does horary astrology too. And that's when you look at the world. Yeah. Well, and I love that when you say, and correct me if I'm wrong, but this is how I'm hearing it when you say predict, right? It's not. I don't hear it as this like, psychic. No, no. Right? At all. It's math and science and study years and hundreds of years of study in terms of how these placements are behaving. And that's again, to me, what takes away the woowoo if you will, right, like it's yes. It's, it's science. Well, what is you know, and you know, you'd asked at one point, like, what do I want people to know about astrology and it has been around as long as there have been people on Earth, right? And you know, earliest astrological concepts go back to ancient China, Egypt, Babylonia you know, the 12 signs that we use most commonly in Western astrology today. Actually, it was established in Greece in the About 2500 years ago. So there's something to this, you know, it's a combination of Yeah, science and all that, you know different things. Astronomy. Yeah. Yeah. Everybody has heard this. I'm throwing this one at you randomly. Oh my gosh, Mercury's in retrograde. Oh, maybe so crazy for the next month, everything's gonna be nasty. Like, what does that mean? Yeah, I mean, it's a real thing. So, most plant all the planets do go retrograde. But the most important one trends are changing direction. And yeah, well, they don't really change direction, it appears that they're changing direction. So what happens is, well, we'll just go with mercury, because that's when everybody knows. Have you read any of my articles I've also written about I write for a magazine, and I've also written about Saturn retrograde, you know, Jupiter retrograde, all that stuff. So, but with Mercury Retrograde because everybody's like, Oh, great. Well, it happens most often. Right? Because it's, well, it's the shortest, they all go retrograde during the year. Okay. But this one last Mercury lasts for three and a half weeks usually. And it's just you know, because it because Mercury Retrograde affects everything involving communication and technology and travel, every all anything that involves communication of any type, and it's coming up, and it's coming up coming up really well, by the time this airs, it'll will probably still be in Mercury's retrograde anyway, I'm sorry. So tell me about what it does. So anyway, it doesn't actually move backwards. Okay, so what happens, the planets moving, but then it sort of stops and changes like speed. And so that it appears from our vantage point on Earth, that it's moving backwards. And the way that I describe it to people is like, if you're on a moving train, Mm hmm. And you pass a car that's going a different speed than the train. Yeah, looks like the car is going backwards. We've all had that moment where we're like, what the heck? Yeah, yeah. Like what I mean, the really crazy thing is it happened to me in a parking lot. One time, I was sitting in my car, and then another car pulled up beside me, but just the way I was pulling. And I'm moving. Yeah, so I have all experienced that, right. It's a great way of explaining it. So that's retrograding. And so when Mercury or any planet is retrograde, it's really a good time, it's not a scary time, just be a little bit more conscious of things that you're doing. But it's a time when the planets want you to slow down. And I always say it's about the Ri, R E, re anything, reflect, reevaluate and like, you know, that kind of it wants you to slow down, take things slower, you know, reflect on different things. Think about how you can do things differently so that when it stations Direct again, you will have, you know, gotten clarity, reset. Yeah, yeah, it's a reset. Thank you. Very good. I love that. Yeah. So and then what about returns? So the ones that I've heard the most about are Saturn Return and Neptune return? Okay. Let's talk a little bit about what that means. And you know, timeframes and so forth. So, yeah, there's, you brought up Saturn Return. So Saturn Return happens every 30 years, which means Saturn is back. Okay. Right. So Saturn's moving, moving, moving. Yeah. And eventually, it returns to the exact same coordinates as the day you were born. Okay, so it's all about numbers and, you know, orbital stuff. So Saturn returns to the exact same position. And if you look on a transit chart, you'll see those lining up perfectly in the same orbital numbers. And, and, and when Saturn does the return, you know, first one is around age 29 or 30. And you probably start feeling it around 28. But it's when like major life a major life change will happen. So around that time, a lot of people are getting married, having children going back to grad school, yeah, like it's major stuff that changes their life and then 30 years later, around 58 to 60. You get your Saturn Return again, and it's a different time of your life. And they're different issues that are coming up. I don't know maybe people are thinking about retiring or they're going to do something different or they're going to leave the home they've lived in become grandparents Yeah. Or they you know sell the home they've lived in all their life and move to call us call Rachel Kendall team if you sell your house during your Saturn Return for the plug Linda Yeah, so that's, you know what a Saturn Return or spot the next June. I don't really call it a Neptune return. But the Neptune is like a midlife transit that I talked to people about and the most important one is the Neptune square Neptune. So coordinates line up in a certain way when they're in a square aspect to each other. And it usually happens around the age of 40 to 43. And they call it a midlife crisis, crisis. Crisis, because it's usually when we start to question everything. We might, it might be like a fog that we feel like we're in and we're confused. And, you know, it's definitely not a time where you want to do anything crazy, like, oh, I, I don't know what's going on. I have a sports car. Well, you know, that or, you know, I always say to, like, I'm not happy with in my marriage anymore. I'm going to get a divorce. And like, you know, you get through your Neptune square. And it's like, Why did I do that? I didn't want to do that. Or, you know, whatever it is, but it's usually a crisis, where you're questioning your life. And it's usually has to do with inner work, spirituality, you know, things like that. So, yeah, so fascinating. It is. And we're almost wrapping up in time. But I want to, I should have started with this. How did you get into astrology? Like, what? What brought you to be curious about what was going on up there? Um, I probably have been interested in that kind of thing. Most of my life I was, you know, I always tell people I, I came from a family that was, you know, religion was, you know, like Catholicism. Yeah. I never really saw much stock in that noise. had all these crazy questions, I'd be asking my mother, or in my dad, that'd be, you know, like, what happens after you die. And as a young kid, they were like, looking at me like I was. Right. And my mother would say to me, If God wanted you to know that you would, so when you die, all the questions that you have on the universe will be answer. And I've gone I'm gonna go find that out. It's so frustrating. Yeah, but wait a minute, if I'm dead, then I consciously won't be able to Hey, the terms, if any of that. But you know, so I mean, I've always sort of been interested in alternative ways of thinking and astrology and all that kind of stuff. And and then I didn't really start seriously doing this until probably about 10 years ago. And it happened really quite organically, like I, I was interested in it and write about it, probably all my life. But then I really laser focused. And about 10 years really started to dive into it. And it was, that was my job. Okay. Like I studied, it was like, I was like, in university, again, I studied with different astrologers. You know, I had a couple of different mentorships with well renowned and regarded astrologers, and that kind of thing. And I just had this knowing that this was what I was supposed to be doing, because I have a strong thing in my chart where I want to be of service to people. And I love that. Yeah, so So for somebody who is getting ready to call you and book a reading. What do you want them to do think, prepare for? Like, how do you want them to arrive, meeting with you. Just come as yourself. And there are a couple of different, you know, you can go on my website have different charts. The birth chart is always where I like to start. Because you have to know yourself, you have to have like a basic understanding of your birth chart. And then every year I'm looking at this, but I have solar return charts, but it gives you a heads up on what your year is going to be so like on your birthday. So from May of this year, until May of 2022, you're going to have a certain energy and that year can be a good year, right? Well, I haven't looked. But give me a call. What year are we in 2021. But it gives everybody it'll give you a heads up on some of the opportunities that will come and some of the challenges to face and I love it's my favorite chart because it prepares you. Yeah, you're surprised. Anybody that wants to have their charts read. The only thing I say is come with an open mind have all your basic information. I do like to ask if there's anything in particular that they want to know about that they want me to cover, for instance, you know, do you want me or You know, most people want to know about love life, career, you know, stuff like that they're coming with a specific Yeah. Like, if there's something in particular, you want me to touch on life's purpose, I'll do that. But I'll always do the basic chart reading, and then I can, if there's something in particular, I will touch on that. Yeah. Well, what I loved about the reading that we did was, you know, I remember saying to you don't, please don't hold back, like, say at all, don't worry about, you know, you know, offending me saying something that I might take the wrong way. Because, you know, to me, I wanted to take what I needed, and I can always leave the rest, right. But to extend trust in, you know, I'm hiring you to, to look at this for me, to tell me what you see. Right, and to not hold back. So I do think it's important to come in with a mindset of tell me it all right. And if if it doesn't resonate with me, that's okay. Right. Maybe it will later and I can, you know, ruminate on it at a different time. Exactly. Talk about so many things, as you know, and so, you know, I just want you to absorb, be in the moment. And I like a conversational reading, that I'm not the type of person that I go, you know, this, this, this, this, I want you to interact with me and ask me questions. Yeah, I think that's definitely important. And it it was so enlightening. It was it's so it just is a great snapshot of validating things about yourself about, you know, sometimes we we always hear, you know, trust your intuition, trust your intuition. But a lot of times we're taught or in environments to ignore our intuition, right. And when you say something on the chart, where you're like, I knew it, I should have listened to it. I knew this. But like, it just it builds this, this trust almost within yourself, like saying, Okay, I gotta pay attention to this. Yeah, I gotta dig into this deeper. I mean, I always tell people, you know, your intuition is, is your friend. It is this. It is you it's your inner voice, and it knows what's best for you. Yeah. And you have to honor that. Because if you think back, anytime you thought something, and didn't move on it, you were like, Oh, wow, I should have listened to my gut. And you know, yes. Important. And, but and also, I'm a Gemini, and I think about everything, and I do everything and it moves really fast. You know, but I hear you I'm joking in that it you know, it's, but that's what you need to work on. So I need to work on, right? Yeah, Linda told me I need to listen more. You do? I know. Everybody's you? I do. Yeah. All right. You're right. She Oh, she is right. She's right, you guys. So we are going to provide all of you guys with a link to Linda's website. And please go visit. I really encourage everyone to do this. If you don't want to pick up the phone and call into and do a reading, get curious yourself. It's just, it's fascinating. And it has really made a massive impact on my life and my own journey in terms of just, you know, self discovery and becoming more and more of who I am. So thank you so much for everything that you know. And thank you so much. I and you know, when you were saying that I just, you know the world that we live in right now, the more you can, you know, know yourself and know how to, like manage walking through all the chaos that's going on right now. Yeah, the easier it'll be for you. And the better. Yeah, and the easier for you to manage relationships and manage friendships and manage coworkers and manage hard situations. You know, it just brings a spotlight to all the all the things. Thank you so much for being here. Thank you for inviting me. I absolutely love her and we look forward to seeing you too. I'm going to call you about that solar return. 2022. So thank you, everyone, for listening. Again, I'm Jessie Hrivnak, Listing Partner, with The Rachel Kendall Team for making moves podcast and thank you again to our guests, Linda Watson for being here today. Take care. Thank you for joining us on this episode of Making Moves. 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