Making Moves

Making Moves with Emily's Tarot Corner

The Rachel Kendall Team Season 1 Episode 15

Are you into the Metaphysical world? Jessie Hrivnak, Listing Partner, sits down with Emily Maples, Psychic-Medium and Tarot card reader. 

In this episode, we will highlight:

  1. What is Tarot card reading?
  2. Why you should try a Tarot card reading
  3. History of Tarot cards
  4. What do some of the cards mean?
  5. Emily does a small Tarot card reading for Jessie

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Hey Triangle lovers! Welcome to Making Moves hosted by The Rachel Kendall Team, where we will explore together the top restaurants, community hotspots and events in our area. Let's make some moves. Hey, everyone, welcome to Making Moves podcast with The Rachel Kendall Team. I am Jessie Hirvnak. I'm the Listing Partner here on the team and I am joined today by Emily Maples. How are you today, Emily? I am wonderful. I'm so excited. Thank you for having me. Yes, I, I say this every time I do a podcast because I am always excited. But this one is, I mean, I'm like, I'm so excited. So Emily is a tarot card reader that I'll tell the quick story of how we came into contact with you. But my girlfriend's surprised me for my birthday with a reading with you. And the three of us came in and had an amazing time. Can't wait to come back. And we thought you would just be such a cool guest. We're going to do a two part series with you and your colleague, Linda is going to talk to us about some astrology. So it's great to have you. Thank you so much. It's like this is awesome. So let's start a little bit about how you got into tarot card reading, like, Tell tell us your story. The life story, right? Maybe the life story? physical life story? Yeah, definitely. Well, you know, I've, I was always interested in more, you know, deeper spirituality, you know, I was raised Christian. And that didn't necessarily say shake me personally. You know, it's not for me personally. And so I started looking elsewhere. And I stumbled upon tarot, really, when I was a teenager, but it was kind of afraid of it. And then in 2015, I was 20. And I started, I bought a deck from Dancing Moon, which is a local store here. And yeah, I just started learning and I thought, you know, a great way to learn is to give other people readings, and I found a lot of joy in that. So I started doing more and more of that, and you know, started expanding my practice, you know, adding, you know, mediumship and shamanism and all that stuff. But at my core, I love tarot, and I love doing that. What made you afraid of it at first? Well, The stigma around it really, you know, again, I was, you know, raised with people not really understanding it. And an area that doesn't really understand it. Yeah. Without the internet really. Right. Right. Yeah. So, you know, again, I had, it's one of those things that I was really scared to do. And once I did it, I'm like, Oh, this isn't bad. I'm not this is rad. Fine. So okay, so let's, let's talk about a little bit about that. Because they're certainly, I actually felt the same thing of like, when I was talking about my interest in tarot and my Christian upbringing, what, you know, stigma might be around that, and what conflict might come from that. So, I'd love to talk a little bit about the history of tarot, because that's how I really learned to not be so scared of the stigma. Yeah, I was like, Well, wait a second. It's a card game, y'all. It's legit, like, it's my personal viewpoint, right? Is it's not this like magic, necessarily psychic ability. It's this connection ability, which may be two sides of the same coin. To talk to us a little bit about the history of tarot. Yeah, where it started. So yeah, that's actually it was so funny, because that's also like how I kind of like, I guess, decompressed you know, my view of it as well. But it started out as a you know, card game. It was from a we believe that the original cards were actually imported from, or I guess exported from Europe or from Egypt into Europe, right. And I also come from an Egyptian background, so I was like, okay, I'm in. That's awesome. Yeah, but it was widespread around Europe. It was a children's card game. You know, it was actually I forget, I think it was very similar to like Rummy, I believe. Yeah. And, you know, it wasn't really used for divination purposes until like, the late 1700s. The 1800s. I believe the first tarot deck was Tarot de Marseille. I don't speak French, but I believe that's what's Yeah. Whoa, Tarot de Marseille. I do. Like, yeah, that's right. And so yeah, again, that's like late 1700s and early 1800s. And, you know, it really started being a card game in the 1400s. So there's a whole long history of it just as a card game. And you know, there wasn't any stigma against it until it was used for divination purposes of course, right. And, you know, I just think that as humans, we have a fear of the unknown. I think that's just part of who we are. You know, we like being comfortable. We like being you know, knowing what's around us and I'm seeing more and more people kind of branch out from you know, what they know and become more interested in tarot and, you know, growing up in the Bible Belt, you know, when I started doing tarot, you know, I would tell people, I did it and get really weird looks. They're like, Oh, What's that? Heathen Literally, yeah, and you know, my even my family at first was like, We don't like this, you know, we can't come over here. It makes them uncomfortable. Exactly. Like they're like, Oh my God, you're gonna like open like, it's gonna be like the exorcism like No, it's not anything like that movie was so inaccurate I'm just kidding. But yeah and you know as time progresses and I guess as more and more people do it and as more stores pop up you know, you know metaphysical stores I feel like a lot more people are interested in it and interested in learning about it and even doing it for themselves. Yeah, well, you said something that kind of struck me and this is my personal take on Tarot. And I think everybody can have a different one. But you said, you know, people are afraid of the unknown. And what I think is actually so special about tarot readings is, it really actually brings out the things that sit in our subconscious, and that we probably do know, we just can't access. That's like, the funniest thing. A lot of my readings like, you already know this, I'm just it's like low grade therapy. It's like you already know what's wrong, right? We're just you need somebody to bring it to the surface and something. So it's, it's very interesting that you said that because I again, at first I, you know, when I would hear the word before I knew about it was like, Okay, this is fortune telling this is, you know, how much do I believe in that. And then the more you get intertwined in it, it really is about our conscious mind and our subconscious mind, and what things do we really need to bring to the surface. And for me, personally, everyone's different. The Tara's really done helped me do that. Yeah, definitely. And also, I think it's another way of showing people that they, you know, we as people have so much control over our date and over our future. So whenever I give readings, a lot of times I like to preface it with, you know, take fate with a grain of salt, you can pick up and change your life, like immediately, right? It completely changed the outcome. And it's so useful, because you know, especially how I do readings, it's like a snapshot of where you are. And I think a lot of people don't realize that they they they again, like what you said, it's like, Oh, you think it's fortune telling which I guess Yeah, kind of but it's really present telling it's okay, what's going on now? And how can we, you know, fix quote, unquote, you know, the situation? Yep. Discover the situation, unpack the situation. Look, nobody goes for tarot card reading, just for the heck of it, right. There's usually a burning question desire, fear something. And it's really just about bringing it to the surface. So let's talk a little bit about the impact that you've seen. Do you have regulars that come in for regular readings? Oh, yeah, I love literally everyone who has ever come in for a reading. I like adore. Like, I love them so much. And I think it's, you know, people are brought were brought together for a purpose. And I learned so much from my clients. And I find a lot of the time that, you know, my readings with my clients reflect things that I need to learn and go through as well. But yeah, I feel like, like, clients, they come in, and a lot of the times they want like general readings, like you said, but like you said, I think like under the surface, they have a burning question. And it always comes out in the reading, you know, that starts out they're like, oh, yeah, just like in general, like what's going on? Which is, this is exactly what we did. And I have to interrupt you. Yeah, all of us were like, I don't really want to say what I want to know, because then you guys are all gonna know exactly what she's talking about. But I just tell me where life is right now. And you laid it out. I'm like, Oh, my God. Right. It's, it's really all about what my intention was exactly coming in exactly where life is what you make it. And I think that's one of the one of the truths. And you know, I also think that the best clients are the ones who are willing to be open and honest. Not necessarily with me, but with themselves. Yeah, well, just like with therapy, like any therapy, again, in my opinion, it's like low grade therapy. And you know, people who, who might be afraid to do that, maybe you're not ready for a reading. Yeah, is what I would say. Yeah. But you know, I have people who come back to me, and you know, there's always like, there's sometimes those readings were like, the client won't say anything. And they'll be like, okay, everything was okay. Right? They're like, Yeah, that's fine. And then I'll get like a message later, they're like, thank you so much. I really needed to hear that. And I don't know, just, it brings me so much joy. It will it takes, I mean, you're sitting there for what it's usually like 30 to 60 minutes, right. So one of the things that I did after I had my reading with you, you know, I snapped the picture. And then I went to my guide book, and I started writing it all out like, and it just took it to an even deeper level, because you're absorbing so much information in such a short time about all these messages that are coming at you and you're like I'm feeling all these things, but what does it actually mean and to dive deeper into it was really, really impactful. So great. Let's talk a little bit about the different kinds of spreads. So let's first explain to our listeners what a spread is and then what different kinds of spreads you use and why there are so many of them. Yeah, well yeah, there's so basically, a Tarot Spread is kind of like a grid. For example, I use what's called the Celtic cross. It's a 10 card spreads that uses 10 cards, and each card is in a position as a specific position. Like for example, the first card is the ego card so it's kind of where you're sitting at the next card is the blockage card, you know that your challenge at the moment, so on so forth. But there is like pretty much an infinite amount. And honestly, you don't even need to use a spread when you do payroll. A lot of people just pull the card. But yeah, I find most commonly used is what I is what I use, I feel like the Celtic cross is a really one. It's a really good one. It's your little snapshot. It's like what's going on, it's quick and concise. But for like me, there's a pathway to it too. I feel like it's like where you are, what's blocking you where you could go, what your options are and what the potential outcome of those choices and interpretations are. So yeah, and that's again, one of the reason I love Tarot because so all the cards are archetypes, you know, we have the major arcana and the minor arcana. The major arcana are like the first 21 - 22 depending on which deck to use cards of the deck. And then the Minor Arcana or the suit cards like the king queen, which will gel it was a game, literally. Even using a tarot deck, you could probably play poker, right? Literally. I know magical poker, but yeah, so. And so since there are archetypes. They're all you know, really great storytellers. So I always like seeing my readings, as you know, telling your life story at the moment. And you know, always telling the client of course, like I said before, like, you know, you can change your story, you can write your own story, as you continue going. This is just like the trajectory on here. You're never stuck. You might feel stuck sometimes. But that usually means you got to look at something. Right, right. And also, I've noticed a lot of people are, are better off than they think they are. And I think once you have that, you know, use a bigger spread like the Celtic cross, you can kind of really get a really good like, third party like, overview, drone view of what's going on. It's like, oh, well, life isn't so bad. I don't Well, it's like the the saying you can't see the forest through the trees, right? We are in the muck of it, you can't see all the beautiful things around you. So definitely all tend to focus. I shouldn't generalize like that. I know that I tend to focus on things that could be done better versus the things. So I think a lot of people can relate to that. Yeah. So talk about, we talked about positions. And then what about reverse? So when they when we say that they're in the reverse position? It basically means when they're turned over, they are upside down? Yeah. And they tend to carry a little bit of same theme in the card, right? But a little kid gets the message a little bit. So talk to me about that. Yeah, so number one, I'll start off with not everyone uses reversals, if you don't use reversals, that's totally fine. But I personally do. So like, like you said, so the, when you pull a card in, its upright, usually, it's like the full meaning of the card, you know, no, no, no holds barred Is that like the is that the phrase? I'm so bad with phrases. And then you know, when it's reversed, I read reversals in a few ways, depending on the card, this is when my intuition comes in. A lot of times, it's like or kind of, like feel it out a little bit. But sometimes it can mean you know, maybe this card has been this energy has been with you for a long time. Maybe it's like a lesson that's been with you for a long time. And you really need to continue focusing on and not maybe shy away from. And sometimes it's just like an LS or impact of the card. You know, and again, it really depends on the situation depends on our depends on the context. Yeah. So let's talk about most desired hard to pull. I think can I do and I know, I know. Everybody has different ones, but then you've seen you can do you can grow you can do whatever you want. Yes, you may do too. Okay. I think a lot of people want love in their life. So whenever you pull the lovers card, which is one of the Major Arcana cards, the lovers card is about love. It's about harmony. It's about soulmates. Yeah. So people get really excited about that one. And I think there's that one and also I think people get excited about you know, like the Sun card to because the sun is about success. Yeah. And you know, just the light shining on you and things blooming, which I think is beautiful and of course as a great card, right? What's your favorite card? Alright, that's a hard one. I really I like the High Priestess. Okay, I like the High Priestess because it's about being in connection with your divine self with your you know, I believe in everyone you have like a masculine and a feminine side. And I feel like it's being in connection with your feminine side with your, you know, more spirituality. Your intuition is clear. Also, a lot of the times they're like really pretty card. So you know, I'm a sucker for that tear. Sure. Yeah. I love that. My, my favorite right now. I do think it changes. Oh, yeah. Is the three of cups. And I think it is. So most THREE OF CUPS that I've seen Anyway, you've got, you know, three women holding these cups usually doing this, like divine dance with each other. And it's just this beautiful picture of friendship in the most connected of ways, right? There's so many different levels of friendships, but when you have that tribe of people where you're like, I'm wide Open with you and I like you get me and to have those friendships in a platonic but deeply connected way and that's my I love that card your soul circle. Yeah, for sure. Me and my girlfriend's actually we've got a little necklace of the three of cups I love it what's the most feared card? Okay, I'm gonna say I get it I'm gonna say to you yeah, because I wonder if my because you might know you might I don't know if you remember what mine is Go ahead. So I would just say in general Yeah, it's probably the death card. Yeah, because you know, people are like oh my god I'm gonna die No, well eventually Yeah, but not right now. I don't think something might but yeah, and just also like I've never ever ever in my years reading professionally have never seen that card used for to predict actual death right? Never even heard of it. I did it. I pardon interrupt you. But I did a full moon spread the other day for a friend of mine. And I kid you not I pulled the death card and the devil card right next to each other. I was like, This is gonna be good. Yeah, shadow. Yeah, for sure. And the first position one had a big old Full Moon in it. So it was all sorts of shadow. Yeah. Anyway, I digress. Yes. Actually, now I can please read about the double car people are afraid about the double car too because obviously the devil right right. But the devil represents really your own inner demon. Right? We all have an inner demons. Sure. But I was going to also say the the tower card, the tower card scares the leap out of me. You're not alone. I like the tower card. I'm weird. I know. But it's about sudden change. It's about you know, whatever you feel is no longer serving you. Yeah. And you want it gone anyway. And it's just you know, we always ask for you know, highest good change, right? And then sometimes that's what we need. I'm having a physical reaction thinking about the tarot card. The first time I came into interaction with it. Have you heard of everyday magic? Yeah, the crystal shop and yeah, indurham that they're online only now but she first of all, she's just a cool chick. She if you're listening Bacara you're going to be a guest on here because she's just she's rad. And she's done some really cool decks and and has written a book that when I was learning to read tarot is called What the f is Taro? WTF Taro? Yeah. And it's just it's such an approachable way to learn how to read. But anyway, anytime you order crystals from her, she throws a card in there. And she threw the tarot card in there. And I looked at it, I was like, ah. So I mean, because the image that I have, when I see that card is the building needs to be demolished. And the new one needs to be built up. Which there's beauty in that right. But I'm like, but the demolished piece sounds? Yeah, it's not easy. It's not easy, hard to get. But on the other side of it, you know, you're even like, when you're going through that, if you're able to step back and look at the other aspects of your life, it's like, you know, that the building might be falling, but you still have the land, you know, you still have the flowers, you still have the trees, you know, it's not like the end of the world. Yeah. And, you know, it's also an opportunity to build exactly what you want, rather than having all this, you know, gross foundation. I know. It's just work. Yes, well, yeah. So if somebody is going to come and visit you for a reading, and you want to be prepared, mentally, what type of mindset is ideal? I mean, everyone's different, right? But like when somebody comes in, and is really asking you for insight in a very personal way, and at the time, you're most likely a stranger or an acquaintance at best. Where do you want their head to be? Yeah, well, I think like I said earlier, having as open and just being open and being honest with yourself, you know, you're you're coming in and you're kind of raw right? And you're just and that's like the best you know, thing to have in a customer and you know, also coming in and having it not like judging like Will the actual cards the actual practice to, like, I would find the the clients who get the most out of it are like that they're open, they're honest. And also, you know, when I'm like, Hey, do you have any extra questions, or were there any confusions Do you want to delve deeper? When you say when they say yeah, definitely like, what is this about and when they interact to rather than just kind of shutting down and lean? Like shutting down is okay, too. If you can't do that, I mean, no judgment, especially depending on what's coming up. Right, exactly. And also like if you're around other people, too, if it's a group reading and you don't want to be like airing all of your crap out Yeah. But I find it's like the most the best readings we can really get in to you know, whatever issue there is. So I have and this is a little bit of a self serving question is I I consider myself an extremely novice reader. I do it for enjoyment. I do it to learn more about it. I love connecting with people and then the more I start doing it I'm like, I really can't read the tarot I can just find people's pain. You know, I noticed that anytime I was doing a reading I was looking to help people find their shadow work their mean Wayne. Rich maybe you guys do not want to call me for a Tarot reading call Emily instead. What If you want to get some crap, and you know, you want to get some pain out on your girl, but how? So that that led me to ask, you know, like, how normal is that for when people are coming in? Because again, I would imagine they're coming in with this desire of some kind of healing. Perspective is great, but if everyone's doing great than they're probably not seeking information, right? Yeah. So how often are pain points really dug into and you're reading up every reading I would say, Okay, so I'm not gonna run, you're not gonna keep going. Not to scare people. But like, a lot of people do cry at readings. And a lot of the times I've been thinking about this a lot recently, where a lot of us are afraid of heavier emotions, we're afraid of grief, we're afraid to feel a lot of what we do, especially, you know, in our society is a lot of numbing. And I feel like people when they when they feel like it's a comfortable space, they come in for a reading or open, they're honest, they kind of you know, as me as maybe me as an anchor, they've, I feel like a lot of people can get a lot of that grief out or at least start to get some of that grief out. Yeah, it sits on your chest like an anchor. I saw you I saw your post the other day, something about that. And and it's funny because I have a dear friend of mine said something to me one time of like, you really like feeling pain, like, No, I don't. But it's also very cathartic. Like, it's got to go somewhere. And so if I don't feel it, if I don't have those intense emotions, it's just living in my body. Yeah, you know, well, I don't know if you know, anyone else was like this, but just who I am as a person, whether it be like my upbringing, whether it be the day I was born, whatever. I find myself, it's very natural for me to immediately start repressing, like, oh, emotion comes up. Who knows what's going back in? Yeah. And so I feel like a lot of the times, a lot of us are like that, and pushing a lot of us learn that as children, right? Don't cry. This is Oh, this is the story that I share with people of like, when you were scared of the monster under the bed, and your mom came in and was like, there's nothing to be scared of. There's no monster under the bed. And you're like, but I'm scared. So. So, you know, like, but you're telling me that there's nothing to be scared of, but I'm feeling scared. And so we do we learn to tuck those emotions away. So that and ignoring our intuition to like, maybe there was something to be afraid of. Right, right. You know, not to freak everyone out. But yeah. So can we pull the card? Yeah. So I brought my deck. And those of you who can watch it on YouTube, do you want to shuffle them? Sure. Okay. So talk to people about I'm actually going to take so this deck has three extra cards, it's got the shadow work, and the moon child and the divine wisdom out. I'm just going to take them out for these for this particular deck. So you shuffle them, like overhand right? Yeah, I usually do i A lot of people do like the bread shuffle, but Right. Well, good luck. Yeah, well, number one that and it also physically pains me to see people do that because I love Yeah, like I'm just gonna do the Slow and steady wins the race. And they say when one falls out, right, like you grab it, it's something's telling you that that's, that's the one I love the days I have when my cards are ready to talk, and they just fly everywhere out. It's so much fun. What about the imagery on the cards, because they're all there's all one fell out, y'all. So the imagery is pretty important, right? Yeah, I would say and again, for every deck, it's different. And this is another thing to where yeah, the cards has meaning but a lot of the times you know the best readings that you can give are based on you know, whatever intuitions you get from the card the feelings that you get from the card right? Like for example a nine of wands fell out nine of wands came out and so it's a lot different than my deck but you know, based on and I it's so funny too I've been doing Tarot for so long and I know the cards really well but a lot of the times I'll ignore the the meanings that I know I mean they'll still kind of align obviously with you know the general meaning right and I'll kind of like really go off so for example, if I was pulling the Knight of Wands for you, and I'm looking at this card the nine of wands is all about being in connection with your soul with your passion you know wands, wands are about creativity your souls journey it's a fire suit you know, this card here has a woman sitting in meditation and she looks glowing and look at the light coming in you know it's like looks like she's very connected you know with you know, God the divine the universe, whatever you believe and whatever you know, floats your boat. So yeah, I feel like right now you're kind of if this card was for you, this is for me, you're pulling it for me you're like you don't hear everything. I mean don't air everything. I'm just gonna thank you for not pulling the tarot card or the tower card or like Oh speaking of No, but this is you know, it feels like right now you're you're somewhere in your life that is your you feel very connected and very open spiritually and very connected with your soul's journey and very like ready to just ready to go she's not wrong. But we also have the 10 of swords. Here it is like we have we have why we're not gonna say not so good because the challenging the challenging, right. And I also like with shadow work a lot of you Like afraid of the word shadow, but shadows not shadow work. I love Moon work. I love all that all the night and you know lights not all good to write. But yeah, the 10 of swords and we got a reversal. Yeah, well, the 10 of swords tends to be like, the imagery. Well, the imagery here is there. It's kind of, I guess, like, watch out. But it's a it's a woman sitting there. And she has a few swords kind of sticking into her back. Yeah. And it's about needing to move on. Yeah, it's about you know, we're done with this chapter of our life, it's time to move on. 10 is the number of completion. It's but it's reversed. So I feel like you're already kind of going on that journey. I feel like you're kind of like already, because you are so connected, you're willing to kind of shed what you need to shed. But it feels like maybe the workshop completely done weird in here. Now, that's, I mean, we just won't dive too deep into that. But that's, I mean, this is the stuff you guys like it is and the reason I wanted to do this is because I want people to see how approachable This is and how, you know, you share that, you know, organized religion wasn't for you. I'm a believer that it's not it's not binary, right? Things can exist together. There's Christian witches. Yeah, I mean, it's just it's, it's really cool. So if somebody were because there's some some, and we'll wrap up here soon, but there's some talk about how you should choose your first deck. So if you're somebody that wants to maybe not go to a reading yet, or if you want to do a combination of going to readings, but then also, you know, I know people that will card every morning and kind of have that as their theme for the day or their thought for the day. How does somebody select a DAC? Because there are 1000s? Yeah, like literally a gajillion. Yeah, I know that somebody told me like, your first step should be a gift. But I remember being like, but I want it now. And I know what the theme that I want in it, and I don't want to tell somebody to go by it. I just this is the deck. Yeah, okay. Well, starting off with that. I think originally that was the tradition and and some people that is there still their tradition and good for you. I feel like if that's not your tradition that don't do it. If you I mean, we live in a place where you can go on Amazon and buy a tarot deck, so why not? Yeah, right. And also, it's like, if you live like like I growing up, I was never going to get a deck. Like that was just not. Right, literally. So I went out and I bought my own. But I think that it's really important to connect with your first step. So maybe going to like a metaphysical store in your area. Like we have a few great ones here. And just go seeing the selection or even if you don't have a metaphysical store around you, I mean, your Urban Outfitters has tarot decks. Okay, everyone, literally, I'm sure Barnes and Nobles got a few to like food line over there. Actually at Barnes Noble, they have a great selection, a lot of cool decks, just kind of go and see what you're really interested in. And don't be afraid to. Oh, well, like I don't think you know, a lot of people like start off with the Rider Waite, which I think is the most popular tarot deck. And a lot of the symbology and other decks are kind of based on the Rider Waite. Yeah. But if you're drawn to something other than that, oh, for us, yeah, I think the imagery is so important. I know, again, when I was starting to learn how to read, I would put the guide book down and I'd write down what was coming up for me from the imagery and then you know, match it up, right? Because you do you want to it's the intuition, right? You want to feel the card, you want to see what's coming up for you when you see it. So I'm glad that you said that it doesn't have to be gifted and my deck is not amazing. No, no, you're not you're not going to die. So to wrap up, you are sharing about a tarot store. Yeah, opening. So first of all, what is a tarot store? Okay, so it's a it's a taro shop. So my really good friend and I, but was actually also I used to manage a metaphysical store. And he was one of my customers who would come in and we got very close. So he was born four days before me. So we were like, very similar personality types. And after I stopped working, where I was working, I connected with him. And it was a really fast friendship. And we were talking and he does tarot and readings, too. He's amazing. And, you know, we really wanted a space where we could both do our readings, and both, you know, he does like herb stuff and apothecary stuff. I was interested in learning how to make my own candles. Yeah. And so it happened. Everything kind of fell into place. And now we have this little shop. It's down like an alleyway. It's in downtown. And where we both do readings, and it's magical. And you know, it just it's really it's so exciting. That's awesome. Is it open yet? We are We are open where it's by appointment only worse because you know, we don't have no idea what's going on. Right. You know, we've just opened and it just two of us. So yeah, definitely come on down. If you're interested, obviously. Yeah, we'll make sure that there's information of how people can get in touch with you. Emily's taro corner right is your website and your social media all across the web? Yeah, this was I could sit here and talk for hours. This is just such a really great recap on really just how people can open their minds to how to dig a little bit deeper. So thank you for being here. This is great. Yeah, I'm so excited for people to reach out. So excited to do another reading with you. Thanks again for the introduction for Linda who will be our next guest. talking all things astrology is great. I geek out on. This was great. So thanks again Emily Maples with Emily's Tarot Corner and I am Jessie Hrivnak with The Rachel Kendall Team for Making Moves podcast. We'll talk to you guys soon. Thank you for joining us on this episode of Making Moves. We want to deliver the highlights of the Triangle that you want to hear. Let us know your feedback, comment on our social media like and of course subscribe to continue and discover why we love where we live until next time with making moves hosted by The Rachel Kendall Team