Making Moves

Making Moves with McKenzie Stamper | The Rachel Kendall Team

The Rachel Kendall Team Season 2 Episode 8

I fell in love with real estate after purchasing my first home and having such an incredible home buying experience, which was the catalyst for me to pursue my real estate career. I always knew that I loved working with people. Combining my talents of capturing an authentic smile in photography and the excitement of finding the right home for my clients makes real estate the perfect blend and fit for me. I decided to join The Rachel Kendall Team because of their unmatched reputation in the Triangle and contagious positivity throughout the company. I value these qualities and carry them into my own interactions by being knowledgeable, sincere, and kind.

Get to know McKenzie:

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Mahala Landin:

Hey Triangle lovers. Welcome to Making Moves hosted by The Rachel Kendall team, where we will explore together the top restaurants, community hotspots and events in our area. Let's make some moves. Hey, everyone, it's Mahala Landin with Making Moves. And today I have the one and only McKenzie Stamper, Broker with The Rachel Kendall Team. Welcome!


Thank you. Great to be here.

Mahala Landin:

I'm so happy that we can finally get this on the calendar. Let's have some fun. All right. All right, here's what we're talking about. So one of the things that we've really been enjoying is hearing about the experiences of moving into the Triangle. Sure. What brought you here, how to do you know, find this home, and then we'll just kind of see where that leads. So what brought you to the Triangle?


Oh, gosh, so I have I'm actually from Boston, I've lived in a lot of different areas of the country, pretty much every corner except Seattle. So basically, I was looking for a good place to settle down. Affordability was very important for me. And my family. We were really looking for somewhere that had activities that were you know, available for our kids. A large population of families, we were kind of looking for weather's really important. I've lived in really great areas that had wonderful weather, but I also was kind of missing that snow, colder aspect. So I felt like I wanted a happy medium. And then I kind of looked at a map. And at the time, I was living in Florida. And we looked at a map and saw that Raleigh, North Carolina was kind of right in the middle, we looked up, pretty much Googled best place to live in America. And Raleigh was top five on every single list. And this was back in 2015. And it just, I was like, well, where's Raleigh, North Carolina. So we looked at the map, we looked at weather we looked at, you know how many times there's a hurricane that hits there, like, one of the things that were really important to know, we wanted to make sure it was, you know, going to be a safe place for me and my family. And moved here sight unseen, called up a bunch of apartments at the time, and just kind of moved to the first place that I looked at the pictures and not looked nice and just, you know, booked our movers and literally drove here sight unseen. So it was definitely a leap of faith. But I've never felt more home here than I have anywhere else. Yeah,

Mahala Landin:

I think that's that story is so cool. Because with what we do as real estate agents, we actually hear that this is a very common theme of I had never even been there before, right. But I kept seeing all of these great articles. I looked at weather, I looked at affordability, and this hit all of those markers. I mean, how many times when you're working with buyers? Have you heard people say, you know, we had no reason in the world to pick Raleigh, but we picked Raleigh,


pretty much all of my relocation clients pick Raleigh, not for a specific reason. Obviously, they're not coming, or they might be coming here for a job. But if they're retired or something like that, you know, a lot of people just just Google Yeah, a place to live and Raleigh pops up. And then it's like, oh, well, where's that? And, you know, it's just one of those things that I my story is very similar to pretty much all my relocation clients, and it's easy to connect with them over that because I'm like, Oh, you Googled it, too? Yeah. So I got here. He's been here ever since.

Mahala Landin:

That's amazing. And so one of the one of the things that you mentioned was that you lived in a lot of a lot of the corners of the nation. So you mentioned Boston. Yeah, we're all


in Austin. I lived in southern Florida. Twice. I lived in Southern California, like Laguna Niguel area. And yeah, didn't make my way up to Seattle. But my dad is so thankful for that. I was just sick of moving me everywhere. But now honestly, like ever since being here, I've never looked back everyone always thought I was just a traveler and you know, I would just pop around but I really was just looking for my home looking for my family's home and something that was going to feel right and I've literally never felt like I could live anywhere else now that I've lived here. When you

Mahala Landin:

first came here What What were you doing in terms I know you had your kids but what were you doing in terms of your career and


so when I first came here in southern Florida, I had started my own professional photography business kind of started once I had my son I started taking a lot of pictures with my dad lent me his professional camera, and then I would take pictures of friends kids and you know everyone was asking So I finally you know, bit the bullet and on my first job that I got booked to be paid for I went and bought a professional camera like a full frame camera and just kind of troubleshooted while I was there at the photoshoot, and then the pictures just came out so great that it just took off from there. And then everyone was, you know, requesting time, it was really hard, because, you know, my husband at the time was working full time. So I kind of had to work in between that schedule. But um, but yeah, I was doing pretty well there. I wanted to bring it up here. But once I got to Raleigh, I kind of wanted to expand a little more. And I started, it was a graphic design and photography business. So basically, I would go into a business, take photos of their whole team, and, you know, kind of their work environment, put together a website for them put it on, you know, instead of using stock photos, and I kind of did that for for some companies, then I started doing some freelance graphic design and web design work for a very well known local company that had just started at the time. And it just kind of picked off from there. It was very time consuming. Yeah, I had two little babies at home. So I was working, you know, till three in the morning. And it was a lot. And you know, I had purchased my first home in North Carolina, had a great experience really loved my real estate agent. He became a good friend. And, you know, while I was making a website and frustrated one day, I called him up and said, Hey, what do you think about me being a real estate agent? Yeah, he was like, 110%, I would love for you to get, you know, your real estate license.

Mahala Landin:

So it's 2022 now, and you moved here in 2015? Yes. And I think the the part of your journey that I love the most is how those small decisions about, you know, what you were doing in terms of your photography and your background and design center, you went to school for graphic design. But I think what that did in terms of engaging you instantly into this community is so it's so impressive, really, because I think when people move a lot, or if they even move from another town, state, whatever they that is the hardest thing about the transition is to get engaged and to get, you know, get to be a part of the community and the right thing that you did really, really fast. And really, really well. What do you think that? Well all about?


When I first saw I forgot about this part. But when I first had gotten to Raleigh, I was doing a lot of like Instagram blogging type stuff. I had my own blog, messy haired We don't have it anymore, because I forgot to pay the school subscription one year, but that's okay. That's okay. Um, no, but I mean, I was pretty passionate about posting, you know, local things on there. I ended up coming in contact with a woman who had worked for her who does work for And she's local here in the Triangle, I think I saw her on a mom group, she was asking if anyone would be interested in writing a blog post, about, you know, some type of baby product. And I jumped all over that. And then the first one I wrote, they loved because I did my own photography, a lot of the other photos at the time, were a lot of like iPhone photos. So it's just a different quality of work that they were really excited about. So they started shooting me work left and right. And I would write blog posts about you know, Target or Walmart or plum organics or something like that, and just take the photos. And through there, I mean, I really got connected into the blogging scene, just kind of, by chance through that went to, you know, a food blogging event, which, you know, has come full circle now, because I love food so much, and I'm gonna get there. Yeah. So it's just like I just by chance happen to, you know, jump on some things that I was really looking to make this a home. So I was pretty committed on on doing that. And it's funny, just, you know, everyone that I had met online ended up playing a very big part of where I am now.

Mahala Landin:

Yeah, yeah. So okay, I got your real estate license in


2017. Okay. I want to say Yeah, and what

Mahala Landin:

was the initial experience of getting your license in 2017?


So, got my license, I think so at the time. The the real estate company that I had started with great friend, I have so much respect for him. I think he was also trying to advance their website and design and just total look of the company. So I was you know, all in and trying to help do that. So that It was a big part of it, I was, but I think I was so kind of split in so many different directions where I was trying to put together a website, and then you know, dropping into real estate out of nowhere is very difficult. And I think I felt like the, you know, the three homes that I did sell, I really had to dig for, and really, you know, try to get it. So it's just one of those things that I definitely have the experience of, you know, working with a more boutique agency, where you don't have a ton of support other than that person being like, I'm here for you, whatever you need, but like, you know, what, what else can be provided that, you know, to really jumpstart a new business, it's not easy, and a lot of real estate agents experience that anywhere that they go,

Mahala Landin:

Yeah, I meet with a lot of agents. And one of the one of the common themes of that support, right is knowing what that definition really means. Yeah. And so many times, I'll hear I get a lot of support. I, they, I can ask any question that I that I have, and somebody will answer it. And I'm like, great, but do you know, the right questions to ask? Right. Right. And I think that's the biggest challenge as a new agent. I know. That's how I felt, you know, as a new agent at one point in time of I don't even know the right questions to ask, because I've never, I've never done this before. And you know, smart people know what they don't know. Yeah. So I love that, you know, the background combination, the community involvement, and then just that kind of entrepreneurial spirit that you brought into your real estate career is something that is a big part of even what we talk about on Making Moves. It's how do I take you know, all of these small decisions, you know, I love design, I love photography, I love you know, marketing, I love all of these things, and how can I start to align all of these things into one career versus being split into a million different things and kind of being a jack of all trades? Master of None. Right? Right. And I love that about our team has so much diversity with people's backgrounds. And we all have that one thing in common, which is that we've all been professional at something at some point in time, we have a success story to lean on. Yeah. And that just catapults us into the next phase of success. So you came to work with the Rachel Kendall T. Yep,


I remember sitting down with you is a very hard decision because I had so much love and respect for you know, he helped me get through real estate school. And it was very difficult. I remember crying a lot over it. But I also felt like this was the move that I needed to make for myself and my children. And at the time, like I was like, There's once after meeting you guys, I was like, there's you know, this is where I'm supposed to be. Yeah.

Mahala Landin:

And clearly, that's working out for you. It's still working. Still working out.


I haven't kicked me out. Yeah. About that.

Mahala Landin:

Yeah. Okay, so when, when starting in, in real estate, you know, you had some experience, you had some opportunities to stretch your legs and, you know, work with clients, what was what was the that magical moment with your business where you were like, Okay, I know that this is what I'm supposed to be doing now. Because, like you said, those three you are scrounging Right, right? And that's not, that's not a productive place to live. Right? When you're when you're so nervous about where's my next sale coming from? Where's my next sale coming from? Right. So when was that like? button that just clicked where you're like, This is it?


I don't think there's one moment I think there's a lot of moments that reminds me still to this day, you know, you can get caught up and being so busy, but like going back and doing a buyer appointment and having someone look at you and say I am so happy. I just did this, like thank you. And you know, like that those moments, I feel like I call you after like a lot of my buyer appointments. And I'm like, that was amazing. And you're like, I know, it's great. Isn't it wonderful? But no, literally like I just leave so energized. And a lot of the moments of working with a client and actually stepping into the right home. There's a feeling involved, and I tell all my clients this if they're like, I'm sorry, I haven't made a decision on this one yet, but I will I feel like it's coming and I'm like, trust me. I'm gonna know when we're in the right house. And there is a feeling involved. And it always happens. It always happens pretty much right after we have that conversation. And then it's like, we look at each other. We're like, This is it. This is 100% it and you know, there's those moments recently I called my client and I cried with her on the phone to tell her that she got the house and and it was one of those things where we had put in a few offers and she was getting very, I kept saying you know, don't get discouraged. It's just not the right one and you will know when This Yeah. And you know, she really felt like that one's the one I knew it was the one I kept saying, you know, I was like, hopefully we do get this because I keep saying this is it? Yeah. And now she got it. We cried on the phone together. We're so excited. We're gonna close next week. Yeah, so but it's just so many moments, there's not one, yes, a million. And

Mahala Landin:

that's that intrinsic quality that we talk about a lot is the ability to connect with our clients at that level of this is more than just a transaction. This is more than just, you know, an investment opportunity. There are feelings behind these decisions, there's a lot of emotions, and the fact that we crave that connection is what helps us get through challenging times and our business and it can really, you know, just highlight how really lucky we are to be able to be a part of people's lives as much as we are. Yeah, what, what, what has been the one thing that was different than what you expected it to be


with Rachel Kendall team, or with just real estate,

Mahala Landin:

Rachel Kendall team,


um, I think I had, you know, in the beginning, I felt like it was going to be a lot harder than it has to be, I think the biggest surprise to me being on this team is we do have things down to a science and if you just, you know, use the formula, the it's just like your pathway to success. So I feel like once it starts rolling, and you're doing the things that you guys are training us and teaching us to do, all the other client, you know, relationship aspect of it is very easy for me. But it's more so like the consistency and the ability to I mean, I went from having $60 in my bank account to making over six figures in less than a year. So that was like, Whoa, yeah. How did that just happen? And I still think about him, like, how did that happen? But like, it's just it is what it like, that's what you guys, you know, preach to us. And it's, and it's not, you know, just blowing smoke, or, you know what, yes, it's it's true,

Mahala Landin:

it is true. And it's it's being very open and coachable as well. That is so important for new agents to have that mindset of, I know, I'm going to have to put a little bit of my ego aside in order for me to be able to get to the next level. And we have to do that actually, throughout our careers because you've ever heard those. I think we see memes on this a lot where you know, if the person on the other side says, I've been doing this longer than you've been born, it's like, well, maybe it's time to do something different. It's our experience on the team is not just about cumulative years of experience, right? It really is about, you know, the quality of the experiences that we're all sharing with each other and being open and coachable. Whether you have had three transactions, no transactions, or you know, like some of our agents came from having very successful careers, right, they still had to learn how to do it a little bit differently. Right. So I think that's really good advice. Throughout the last few years of your real estate career, we obviously hit you know, a milestone of a pandemic. Nether didn't really see that one coming. What was what was the big challenge for you and for your clients as you were navigating some unknown territory.


I think what I noticed within the pandemic was how much trust my clients have in me as an agent. And it was very difficult, especially when you know, showings were very limited, or people didn't want to go in homes. I had, you know, the first I want to say dozen plus homes that I sold were sight unseen, right? But at the time, that was what was best for the client, because they weren't able to go way over asking price and we were having to offer in the coming soon phase and throughout the year, I've noticed, you know, major changes in that a lot of you know, agents actually do want to bring things to market because it ends up being, you know, going much better for their seller, right. But at the time, you know, as a buyer's agent, I'm here to protect my client and get, you know, a home for as little as possible, you know, with you know, and in the home that they want. So I did have to do a lot of sight unseen type of offers. And, you know, it just, it just gave me a lot of it's hard to say it just it just really brought a lot of gratitude towards my clients like Wow, thank you for trusting me and then right you know, our first showing was after they are under contract, and having that same experience where this was the right one, just like confirmed everything I didn't have. Luckily I didn't have an experience where it was like, Oh my gosh, whatever. I got this house, but I also knew Do them, you know, I knew what they were looking for. We were looking at homes before, you know, the pandemic kind of kicked in, or we were talking for months. So it's not like, you know, I just kind of picked it home was like you should offer on this one, right? It was a chosen home that I got that feeling in myself and would do, you know, a virtual tour or, you know, going through disclosures and all that fun stuff. You

Mahala Landin:

still focused on the personal relationship piece of it. Yeah. And it wasn't


just any home. I felt like it every single one of them. It was their home. But yeah,

Mahala Landin:

yeah, those are, that was a very strange time to navigate. But to that point, where we just had a great client appreciation event, and just hearing some of those stories, oh, the story Oh, my gosh, from your clients about just all of those things that were challenges or things that were difficult actually made the relationship relationship so much stronger? Did


Yeah. And it does even in a normal market? Yeah, well, so it's just one of those things. I tell everyone, you're gonna love me, we're gonna be friends after this for Life for

Mahala Landin:

life? How have you been able to marry some of the creativity that you had with photography and design? Have you been able to marry that into your real estate career as you've progressed? Because at first, yeah, it is about just learning how to walk before we can run. You know, let me focus on being able to make a sustainable, consistent income doing the, you know, the relationship side of this business, but now how can I take it to the next level? How can I marry some of my passions together?


Right. So when originally I had separate business pages and posts and all that fun stuff, and then, you know, when we sat down, you're like, No, you need to marry them. I didn't have a choice. Just kidding. But yeah, but honestly, it made sense to me, after you brought it to my attention that you know, people want to see your personal life, people want to see what you're passionate about. Not just real estate, you know, so it's one of those things that I've always been pretty good at marketing myself, I can pop a, you know, a cut out headshot on a photo, it's very easy for me. But it's just one of the things I remember when I first joined and I made that, that cut out under contract headshot, and then, you know, everyone started coming to me, can you make one for me? And I'm like, Sure, why not? Yeah, let's do that. And then it became like, a whole thing. Like everyone, you know, we decided to go that route and brand, you know, social media posts as, as a whole. And I was really excited to be able to share that, you know, with the team and not just hoard it for myself and you know, care about just my success, I was excited that I could contribute. So. But as far as meshing them all, I'm constantly taking photos, and constantly editing all my photos, and, you know, branding, everything that I possibly can. So

Mahala Landin:

that's what I love. The evolution of the Rachael Kendall team has been many, you know, even when I first came on the team in 2014, I think we had about three or four different logos. And what what we've been able to do with a very young company is to start to create a consistent brand. Yes, and you have been a big part of that, as well as our marketing department, our our Anna, and I'm gonna even throw out Mikayla out there, but you know, that that's something that's so important. And we take we take for granted the how brands come to be, you know, we see established brands and you're like, well, obviously, that's brand, right. But creating a brand and creating the culture behind the brand. The personification of a brand like all of that stuff has been really fun to integrate the team into and and your participation in that. Because agent branding on a team is incredibly challenging it is. It's, it's incredibly challenging one because you know, a brand is only successful if it's used consistently, right and appropriately, right. And to get a group of people to all move in the same direction is is challenging. And then the other side of that is how do you how do you you like what you said, how do you showcase personality and individuality within a brand and within a team, right? I mean, that is really challenging to do, but I think the way that you've been able to push people to put their personalities out there in alignment with the brand is is really I mean I watch people you know all the time try and do it, but it's doesn't always learn Yeah, it's


it is great to see and I'm excited that people are taking my advice and I'm like, these real estate posts are great, but like show us what you're doing outside of that. So you know, they always say there's like a, like a three to one type of posting algorithm I guess where like we One business posts to every three personal posts, right? And have people fall in love with you as a person and and, and all that comes with you

Mahala Landin:

including the brand. That's right. And when you have a great culture behind a brand, and I do, I do think we do it is it's easy to rely on that because we all live and breathe it whether it's in our personal or within our business, and I can't wait to see you know, the new things that we're going to be doing within that brand coming up here in a little while. Some good stuff out it some good stuff, new signs. Yeah,


there's a lot coming soon. So I'm really excited that I've been able to you know, step into a role where I can help and officially you know, you know, be a part of helping create or continue our brand and everything that Rachael candle you know, started this company with and just putting that into the visual world to me exciting good stuff.

Mahala Landin:

So all this all this work keeping you busy, but what do you like to do on the side? What's What's your personal passion? All right. I love telling me what you had for dinner.


I literally just love food so much I could never be in like the food industry. I've done serving and stuff but like I love to eat. And I love to cook and I love to find new recipes, new restaurants, all that so yes, I think my my boyfriend said yesterday, I wish I was food and that you were just as obsessed me as you are a food because I I think about it all the time. I'm literally studying a menu before I even get in my car to go there. I already know what I'm getting.

Mahala Landin:

The highlight the highlight of our day is a great meal. That is no question. So how have you been able to turn that passion for food into something creative? Yes, I


do. Okay. Well, I, I got an Instagram account. Because I have so first of all, I have so many food photos. It's it's absolutely just disgusting.

Mahala Landin:

We were at lunch the other day, and she had to take a zillo call. And so she steps away. And I didn't even touch my food, because I knew you would want to take a picture of it. And I'm sitting there I was like I'm starving. But I was like, Okay, I'm gonna wait, I'm gonna wait until she comes back to take the picture.


I know. I know, I feel bad that ever but I'm quick with the photo, or I am not. I'm not like hovering and like taking not even more than maybe three seconds because I'm embarrassed about it. Like, I don't want anyone seeing me and being like, Oh, look at that millennial food. So I'm like, snap, snap, snap. And I'm like, eat

Mahala Landin:

with this later. Right? So what's your what's your handle,


so it's, it is Raleigh food for which it it's, it's just a fun page that I love to just post really beautiful pictures of food. And it's funny, when you know, you just post something so random like food, that's beautiful looking. People just follow you like I haven't, I haven't done anything to have to try to grow my following people just like voodoo. So they just follow you. And they love local thing. Like that's really, the thing is it's just like hyper local. If I do go away or somewhere else in North Carolina, I make it very clear that it's not there. But I also a lot of the food blogs that I would follow would post pictures and videos of the food but they didn't put in what they ordered. So I'm like, I'm very serious about like, where I went, what I ordered, like,

Mahala Landin:

you know, the actual name of the dish, literally the


name of the dish I'm on when I post I will pull up a menu and make sure I get exactly what was ordered on

Mahala Landin:

there. Yeah, so it's, it's really, really very good. And


people are like, how do you have the time for this? It takes me like 30 seconds every couple of weeks. It's not like I'm posting constantly, but I do am taking constant pictures of food. So I have a whole archive in there.

Mahala Landin:

We're ready for it. But I think the piece that I love, we can be silly about it. And you're right, like it's a funny name. And you know, it is really just about your hobby and your passion. But I love just the idea of having that that list of places to go. And that's something that that we've integrated into, you know, the things that we do with the Rachael Kendall team because as real estate agents, we are supposed to know about the things that are going on out in the world, and the great places to eat because we're a resource to our community. And I do love that. That's been like the perfect marriage. Oh, it's being so knowledgeable about restaurants.


I always say like, Call me if you need a pressure washer or you know house painter or somewhere to eat

Mahala Landin:

because I know where to go. Just Something I know exactly like That's so


random but but truly I do and it's I'm always trying new places I really like to promote kind of more local type mom and pop businesses or small businesses but Picasa food is just so good here. And we live in such a wonderful place that offers so many unique dishes and has so many renowned chefs that it's like it's so hard not to be a food hoarder here.

Mahala Landin:

I know I went to a ver day and Carrie yesterday with my girls and we started watching Top Chef like the kid versions Yeah, there it's a top chef restaurant was like guys it's like fine dining. Yeah, and even though it's not it wasn't really but they felt so special. Yeah, I think that's just really cool that we do have that kind of community here it is. So outside of food what else what else do you like to do on what's your favorite spot in Raleigh? First off, what's your favorite restaurant in Raleigh?


Oh gosh, this is really hard for me because I I'm a Gemini if you guys don't know this but I love change I don't go to the same place now saying that yesterday I'm like, wow, these people come here every single Sunday like That's awesome. Yeah, but I would get so like, sick of going to the same place all the time that I'm like, I can't pick my favorite spot. I feel like it's very difficult. I love Cafe tiramisu. If I had to choose like my ultimate comfort food like or the last meal if I had to choose their like one meal, I'd be like Cafe tiramisu, chicken parmesan and fettuccine alfredo. And you have to do the Fettuccine Alfredo half the chicken par, you have to do it, literally. And everyone, every friend that I bring them, like you have to do it. They're like, No, no. And then they'll order something else. And I'll be like, take a bite of mine. And they're like, oh, yeah, should have got that, like gotten that but I do love Cafe tamper suits right by my house. So it's just one of those things. It's you know, very convenient to me. If the if I were to be a local anywhere that goes there constantly it would be Cafe tiramisu.

Mahala Landin:

Nice. Okay, what about what other attractions pastimes Do you have? Well, I


have two kids. Yeah. And they like to go all over the place. Um, we recently checked out John Chavis par. Yeah, they loved it so much. So we've been going there.

Mahala Landin:

What a beautiful design that they did. If you haven't seen it, go down there and check that out. And that's actually going to be connected into Dorthea. One day. Yeah, that's really cool.


Yeah. Which we did recently go to Dorothea Dix, there's just I mean, there's so many parks to go around here in the Triangle. I love you know, kids aside, I love going up and spending some time in downtown Durham, or going to a Bulls game, taking kids to the Bulls game. I recently went up to Carrboro. Yeah. And the Chapel Hill area. And I was like, wow, this is like a whole thing like that. You could spend an entire day here, because I spent Mother's Day up there. But it was something where I was like, I don't even know if there's going to be anything to do. And then I got there. I'm like, I have to come back. So I can do all

Mahala Landin:

these things. There are so many great day trip opportunities in the triangle Hall River area is awesome. And that's New York Harbor. So yeah, I think even as agents and I've said this before, it's one of the things I miss the most about being on the road is the driving and discovering of all the great little pockets of town, I really want to go to owls roost brewing company out in Franklinton. So maybe you had posted something there. I looked really good. Okay, so those are your past times. What what where do you hope to be in your real estate career? Well, where's the next step gonna take you?


So it's hard to say I feel like I've kind of taken on now a new role here as well. So it's like, I see, you know, in five years, they're really being you know, a very big part of me is helping run the marketing side. And then obviously, I'm so passionate about real estate and my clients. I think eventually I'd like to work with more sellers but to be honest, I get the warm and fuzzy still from buyers. It's really hard to step away from that so I I truly like those first time homebuyers are like my people like I just love it. It's so much fun or people that you know, don't know anything about rally. I'm like, buckle up. We're about to go for a ride. Like let me tell you everything that I love about Raleigh, but I'm very passionate about Raleigh, the Rachel Kendall team, obviously food, family all that fun stuff. And I feel like that meshes so well together. I mean,

Mahala Landin:

we even have a cookbook we even have a


very passionate about that too. We're going to be like on cookbook,

Mahala Landin:

three this year. Yeah. Three. Yeah,


that's a really quit in five years. We'll be on cookbook. Eight. Yeah. I was like, Oh, check my math. Yeah, um, nope. It's just so many opportunities here, I am definitely still going to be here, the Rachel Kendall team, I'm just trying to figure out right now, you know, just what the future looks like, and what the marketing future looks like what my real estate business looks like. But for right now, I'm just happy, you know, working with all my clients and doing a lot of marketing and it's just finding my groove.

Mahala Landin:

That's it. It's the part that we, if we don't slow down long enough to take a glimpse at the journey aspect of it, not even worrying about where it's gonna go, just when all of the things that we have been most passionate about come into alignment, and they are really in focus. It's, it's so incredible. Yeah, you know, and I think that's, that's a great statement, because we don't as an industry, as a real estate industry have enough opportunities for career paths, right? You know, so many times people go into the, to their real estate career, and they don't know what to do after that salesperson, right? Or they don't know what to do after they've hit an income goal. And I love the creativity and the collaboration of the team to be able to say, let's create some new paths here. Yeah, yeah. And you're definitely a big point. I


remember when I first got into real estate, people will be like, What do you want out of real estate? And I'd be like, I'm gonna be the number one agent and Triangle. Hashtag. That's my hashtag. But no, literally, like, I would just say that and say that and say that now you asked me like, I want to be a part of the number one team in the Triangle and I want to you know, that's, that's what my future looks like, what specifically is involved in that? I'm not sure I'm just doing what I'm doing every day and enjoying it and, and looking forward to the future.

Mahala Landin:

Yeah, so awesome. Well, this has been great. Yeah, we didn't laugh too much. It was good. So check her out messy haired mom, or you can find her as the Raleigh food whore moonlighting.


Number one agent in the Triangle as well.

Mahala Landin:

Thank you for joining us on this episode of Making Moves. We want to deliver the highlights of the Triangle that you want to hear. Let us know your feedback, comment on our social media, like and of course subscribe to continue and discover why we love where we live. Until next time with Making Moves hosted by The Rachel Kendall Team.